S&TDL at Forum PA 2016

Rome, Palazzo dei Congressi, May 23-25 2016
Within the usual appointment of Forum PA, this year CNR decided to present some relevant initiatives and projects with respect to Public Administration transformation – Leimotiv of the 2016 edition – and S&TDL was among them.
In fact, the themes on which the sixtheenth edition focused on were related to PA (Public Administration) reform, all of them requiring the commitment of administrations and citizens “in a circular interdependence”, and using ICTs as the favoured tool for fostering change and modernisation.
During the various occasions of meeting, exchange and discussion at the Forum, the need to adopt a systemic approach, to share strategies and actions, to join forces and work together were repeated insistently, with the awareness that “nobody saves himself alone”.
These principles and Leitmotive identify the S&TDL from its origin. Some of the keywords of Forum PA characterize specifically the infrastructure key elements: digital, first of all, but also infrastructures, research, innovation, cultural heritage, inclusive growth.
The presence of S&TDL at the event within the CNR stand has been the occasion to present the Digital Library to interested people and to the wider and composite public participating to ForumPA, thus enlarging fruitfully the collaboration and contact network.
The slideshow – which was displayed on CNR monitor at the institution stand – described the Science & Technology Digital Library focussing on the crucial shift from project to infrastructure. It offered a concise but decisive outline by reviewing its guiding principles and strength points, main implementations and long-term perspectives. The slideshow highlighted as well S&TDL key features, interesting aspects and peculiarities. In particular, it payed specific attention to digitalization and to the rich historical and cultural heritage made available through the Portal; in particular, it emphasized two extraordinary rarities – the Bible with miniatures by Pietro Cavallini (XIII-XIV century) and the precious Libro dabaco of the beginning of XVI century; the thematic paths – available on the Portal as well – conceived and designed to let non professionals to be familiar with and appreciate little-known digitized treasures, offering interpretations and innovative ideas for their unusual and evocative reading; lastly, among the services, the Learning area, an integrated and versatile space where to provide S&TDL users with a wide, various and dynamic training and educational offer.