Italian Digital Agenda
Established on 1st March 2012 by the decree of the Minister of Economic Development, in agreement with the Minister for Public Administration and Simplification, the Minister for Territorial Cohesion, the Minister of Education, University and Research and the Minister of Economy and Finance, the Italian Digital Agenda (ADI) transferred the strategies and the principles outlined by the Digital Agenda for Europe to the Italian context, through a coherent plan of concrete initiatives and measures and the effective coordination of public intervention both at central and local level.
The primary objective is to achieve in Italy too the digital revolution and to fill the longstanding National delay: in a perspective of inter-institutional cooperation among the State, the regions and the local institutions, the Italian Digital Agenda aims in fact to promote and lead in the country the wide spread of new technologies, the modernisation of the PA, the creation of a digital single market of contents and services, thus enabling citizens, families and companies to access and exploit the potential of ICTs.
The establishment of the control room and of the Agency for Digital Italy has allowed to define the Italian Strategy for the Digital Agenda, and to start its implementation.
In line with the Digital Agenda for Europe, the operational interventions are distributed in six strategic axes, that represent the six main topic areas:
- Infrastructures and Security
- Digital identities
- Public data and sharing
- Digital skills
- Digital administration
- Smart communities.