S&TDL at Forum PA 2016

Within the usual appointment of Forum PA, this year CNR decided to present some relevant initiatives and projects with respect to Public Administration transformation – Leimotiv of the 2016 edition – and S&TDL was among them... Read more

Beyond the three cultures: the S&TDL proposal

In 1995, John Brockman started speaking about a third culture able to go beyond the dichotomy between the two cultures – namely the sciences and the humanities – described by Snow (1959), and to enlarge the perspective. The third culture was “the one of those scientists who can tell new and interesting things about the world and ourselves: who can tell them to a wide audience, spreading knowledge beyond the borders of the academia”.... Read more


DARIAH-EU: a cutting-edge ecosystem for Arts and Humanities research in Europe

DARIAH - Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities is a ERIC - European Research Infrastructure Consortium on the ESFRI - European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures: it represents a strategic tool of excellence, that is renowned at the European level for the scientific integration, the empowerment and the enlargement of the rich European research in Arts and Humanities at the International level. The e-infrastructure provides a shared technological platform for the European research in the area of Arts and Humanities... Read more

Open Science for better research methods, processes and practices

The conference was distributed on three days (5-7 March 2015), and focussed on open science as the crucial point and action to ensure a genuine and durable improvement in National and International research.
Experts from the academia and the research world, from the science journalism, the publishing and communication (broadly speaking) sector discussed on open science and on the main issues related to it... Read more

S&TDL Project: Technical Workshop

On November 5th 2014, at the central offices of the National Research Council in Rome, a Technical Workshop was held involving both the partners of the Project and the people interested in the Science & Technology Digital Library.
In that occasion, a prototypical version of the S&TDL portal was presented.
The Workshop has been a precious occasion to make a point on the work carried out until that moment, and to directly verify progresses, to fully share project objectives, and to strenghten the collaboration among institutional partners...
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The CNUCE archival fonds within the S&TDL

On the initiative of the Institute of Informatics and Telematics of CNR and its division (UOS) based in Cosenza, coordinated by the Prof. Guarasci, the digitisation of the large documentation belonging to the Centro Nazionale Universitario di Calcolo Elettronico (CNUCE), the first high performance computing centre serving the Italian scientific research starting from the renowned collaboration with IBM, has begun.
To make cutting-edge technology – calculators and calculator networks – the protagonist of scientific and technological frontier research, the pillar of the collaboration among HPC centres in Italy, and the fulcrum of a solid collaboration between universities and research centres in an integrated way: this was the primary objective of the CNUCE, that put together research and service from its very beginning. The CNUCE was founded in 1965 at the University of Pisa on the initiative of Alessandro Faedo, converted to a CNR Institute in 1974, began an EARN (European Academic Research Network) and Internet node, respectively in 1984 and 1986, but had always remained faithful to its original vocation. Read more

Cavallini’s Bible soon online

Bibbia del Cavallini

The digitisation of a masterpiece of Medieval art, the Pietro Cavallini’s Bible, was launched within the Science & Technology Digital Library Project. The Bible is one of the most famous illuminated codices preserved at the Ursino Recupero Library in Catania.

The initiative is carried on by the Institute for Archaeological and Monumental Heritage of the National Research Council (IBAM) in collaboration with the Humanities Department at the University of Catania and with the Library itself. IBAM started the digitisation of a selected core of the huge historical and cultural heritage of the Ursino Recupero Library (more than 270 thousand volumes). Read more