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Digital Agenda for Europe

The Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE) is one of the seven flagship initiatives under Europe 2020 Strategy and aims at exploiting the potential of ICTs in the interest of the whole European society, in order to favour innovation, economic growth and competitiveness and thus to achieve the growth targets set for 2020.

Launched on 19th May 2010 through the Communication from the European Commission [COM (2010) 245 final], the Digital Agenda for Europe has been subscribed by all the Member States which committed themselves to integrate DAE priorities into different National regulations.

The overall aim of the DAE is to deliver smart, sustainable and inclusive growth from a digital single market.

The DAE finds its basis on some key pillars to be pursued at EU, National and regional level:

  • Creating a connected digital single market that goes beyond current digital market fragmentation
  • Open up access to online contents within the law
  • Simplifying and harmonising data protection procedures, public information reuse and IPR, copyright and licenses management
  • Improving standard-setting procedures and interoperability, and gradually developing a single and consistent strategic policy for standardisation
  • Boosting networks, enhancing online security and increasing the users trust
  • Promoting fast and ultra-fast Internet access for everyone
  • Investing in ICT and innovation, with special regard to R&D technology-related activities
  • Enhancing digital literacy, skills and inclusion