WP8: E-learning
WP8 aims at developing an integrated selection of e-learning services, that make learning tools, platforms and environments, modules, lessons and various didactical materials in the LIS field available to different user communities.
According to the integrated approach, the e-learning services will be gradually shaped on the basis of participants needs, experiences and expertise – already possessed, to be developed ex novo or to be improved and refined – thanks to partners and target groups involvement and co-operation.
In agreement with the Project incremental evolution methodology, there will be a systematic interaction with users in order to monitor and assess training activities development and outcomes and to adapt the training offer itself.
Within WP8:
- e-learning technologies and research advancements
- the socio-constructivist paradigm, that fosters the social and collaborative learning dimension and focuses on:
- know-how and problem solving
- peer collaboration
- practice communities building
will be developed.
WP8 will cover all the different training aspects, starting from the target communities training needs analysis to the e-learning environment design and prototype implementation, to tutors training, to training delivery, evaluation and fine-tuning.
In training initiatives attention will be paid to resources re-usability and to practice scalability.